Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sexual Healing w/ Laura Berman

I really liked this video.  Although I am skeptical of Laura Berman, I thought she did a great job of making the clients who had experienced trauma feel comfortable and normalized.  I did notice the first thing she did was get the clients' hormones and blood flow checked.  I think that if you have the resources, then why not get it out of the way and put clients at ease (or not) that it is not biological?  I do not think that Laura Berman focused on the biological aspects, as I expected.  After everyone was initially tested, she seemed to make nothing more of it and focused on having the couples step outside their comfort zones.
     Although watching the couples was comical at some points, I can see myself in two of them: the husband who wanted everything to be clean in order to feel comfortable having sex and the husband who needed to have minty-smelling breath in order to focus.  It was funny at first, and it is easy to judge them, but I realized that I have some of those hang-ups to an extent.  It's sad, really, and I am not sure if Laura Berman attended to those as much as she should have.
     The interventions seemed the most helpful to mixed-race couple (who were so cute!) -- in particular the sexual fantasy homework.  Further, Laura gave the husband in the dyad his own time to have his needs tended to in the homework where he had control over all the decisions made for their date night.  I thought all of the interventions were helpful, to be honest.  The only thing I would say was that the homeworks mostly were catered to the complainants.  This makes sense in a way, but it is not just the complainants' needs being met that will fix everything.  There are intercouple things that need to be worked out also.  Further, all of the homework involved the couples working together.  As we mentioned in class, this is by no means making the relationship worse, but individual homework may have also helped.

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